Ultimate Airdrops

Ultimate Airdrops logo
Java Logo of one of the technologies used in this project: Java
Spigot Logo of one of the technologies used in this project: Spigot
Ultimate Airdrops logo

Ultimate Airdrops

Java Logo of one of the technologies used in this project: Java
Spigot Logo of one of the technologies used in this project: Spigot


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repositories {

dependencies {

Common uses

Access API methods

UltimateAirdropsAPI api = UltimateAirdropsAPI.getInstance();

Register a custom property

UltimateAirdropsAPI api = UltimateAirdropsAPI.getInstance();

// Instances the property type instance with its id, type and default value.
DefaultPropertyType<String> customProperty = new DefaultPropertyType<>("custom-property", String.class, () -> "my default value");
// Instances the button to interact with the property value for each airdrop type.
TextInputButton<String> customPropertyButton = new TextInputButton<>(
        new ItemStack(Material.ACACIA_LEAVES), 
        "Custom Property", 
        new String[]{"This is my custom property"}, 
        "Enter your value", 

// Sets the button supplier for our custom property to the one we created.
customProperty.setButtonSupplier(() -> customPropertyButton);
// Registers the instanced property type in the API

Get a property value for a designed airdrop

// Get an airdrop instance
Airdrop airdrop = Airdrop.getAirdrop(0);

String value = airdrop.getProperty("custom-property");


All the API classes are documented in the javadoc.